We have had our share of disappointments. We know how hard it is to stay positive and hopeful in a country where we feel our voices are not heard.
The municipal elections are coming up soon. The municipal representatives are the closest form of government to the people. This year in Beirut, we actually have a solid option.
If you love your city. If you believe we deserve clean streets, green spaces, proper sidewalks and above all trustworthy municipal representatives, it’s time to vote. It’s time to bring back politics to the citizens.
The municipality is a powerful stand alone institution with a large jurisdiction, decision making power and money. We now need the right people, free of political allegiances.
The road ahead is still challenging but we have to start somewhere.
We at Beirut’s Bright Side are ready for change and support the Beirut Madinati initiative and candidates. We hope you will to.
On Wednesday April 27th, come join us at Station Beirut. Your purchase of a ticket for ‘Lebanese musicians in concert for Beirut Madinati’ will help fund the campaign.
And on May 8th, let’s vote!
>> For more info on this campaign, the detailed program and the list of candidates, please visit their website here: beirutmadinati <<