Here is a great inspirational story of a couple living with the land, from organic farming to ancestral construction techniques.
Raed Chami is a farmer with a permaculture project who’s struggle to sell his crops went viral a few months ago (read here). His partner Joanna Parker is an architect specialised in eco-friendly building. In what she calls her earth-plastering laboratory, she experiments with natural building technics.
The author of the story embarked on a memorable journey and shares with us her unique experience of living in harmony with nature and learning about green earth plastering using clay, earth, sand and straw.
Their struggle is ongoing like many local farmers, especially those who refuse the appeal of industrial agriculture that comes in the form of greater profit. They live humbly and they work hard to sustain their lifestyle. Their choices are not without overwhelming benefits. They are rich in their proximity to nature, and prosperous in the simplicity of their existence. And they are made humble before the awe that is the natural world.
Read the full story here.
Read more about the couple on their blog.